PREUSS, photographer. A devotee of feminine beauty,
Ted Preuss approaches the photographic study of the female
body by emphasizing relaxed and self-possessed expression over
abstract form or blatant sensuality. More than anything else,
Preuss' subjects are like dancers caught in a moment lifted
out of a fluid process that has absorbed all their energy in
a quest for grace. A careful and accomplished printer, Preuss
enhances the sense of admiration that he has for his subjects
by presenting them in subtle amber-toned platinum-palladium
images that augment complexity and individuality. Divided among
miniatures that accentuate line and light, and larger impressions
that bring out personality, the most successful of Preuss'
studies maximize self-involvement, as when we see a model,
shot from behind, leaning against the back of a draped chair
with her hand resting on the back of her head. (Michael
N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL
Reception | October 20th, 2006 | 5:30 - 7:30pm
Exhibition runs through - November 26th, 2006